Hindu Seer VII

The letter says it all:

Hi anti-religious youths (Vulcan, Saswat, Anup, Chinmay,...,...)There is absolutely no benefit by your vomitting venoms in thisforum. Neither it will help your cause nor will it lessen my pro-religious stand; nor will it affect millions unconcerned with yourvenoms.So, here is my challenge to all of you:ALL OF YOU JOIN YOUR HANDS AND PROPOSE/EXECUTE A ROAD-MAP TOELIMINATE RELIGION FROM HUMAN MIND; AT LEAST FROM INDIANS. IF YOUCANNOT, THEN STOP VOMITTING POISON.IF YOU PROPOSE A ROADMAP AND CONVINCE ME IN YOUR CAUSE, I WILL BETHE HAPPIEST TO JOIN HANDS WITH YOU.However, be sure that I am not to be challenged for anything, for Ihave not opposed any of existing religious concepts or establishment.SO, ERADICATE RELIGION, OR ELSE KEEP QUIET. DONT BARK.AA

And from a professor who is sure he does not learn from others:

Dear friends,After reading all the wonderful postings on howidiotic are the theists, I was wondering if I am aTheist or an Atheist? I do not see any moreliterature available either from the East or West; ontheism or atheism that has escaped my small mind.After careful thinking, considering every experiencein my life, I have decided to be a theist. Asexpected from any other human being (created by God),my knowledge is finite and that is the reason it wouldbe impossible on my part to clash with the great mindswho do not believe in 'theism'. The formidableintellects of the scientific minds, from ClaudiusPtolemy to Albert Einstein; religious minds, fromZoarathustra to Vivekananda; and atheists, fromCharvakas to Bertrand Russell have added sparks in thelives of many intellectuals of the present day worldand in history.I feel fortunate that I possess fragments of suchsparks in my trillions and trillions of memory cells,either conferred by my ancestors DNA or by chance.Therefore, it would be unwise on my part to enter intodebates with people who are confused about their ownidentities, let alone the basic principles of nature.Long time back, in some context, I had stated that Iwas an atheist when I was young. Things have changedsince I became a father and held my children in myarms. I had prayed when the little helpless creaturesbecame sick. I had cried when they cried in pain.But, becoming an atheist just because I am fortunateto have a decent living in America, drive a used car,and has a secure job? No way!I would rather be an idiot and a theist, perhaps apreacher too! To fit the last definition, I need tolearn more of the stuff called religion and science.This would benefit some, rather than the harm that Imay cause boasting that 'I am intelligent' while mybrain is a store house of pumped up by hormones ratherthan pure knowledge.If anyone is interested to be an atheist, mysuggestion will be to become one like Neitzsche orWalter Kaufmann. Educated people should not wastetheir lives by making a profession out of theidiosyncracies of materialism.With regards,MP

Saswat Pattanayak

Independent journalist, media educator, photographer and filmmaker. Based in New York. Always from Bhubaneswar.


Hindu Seer VIII


Hindu Seer IV