University Senate tasks on
I am now a member of the University of Maryland Senate. In the Student Affairs Committee, I am drafting proposal for Online Syllabi.The idea is that faculty members will compulsorily work on this. But knowing them, I have huge doubts!Excerpts from a draft I am working with now:"Every academic course will have an online syllabus" is a directiveprinciple.I propose five broad divisions based on a modular approach with links toother pages on top of the home page (as opposed to linear approach which isposting everything on one page):Goals, Schedules, Assignments, Readings and Noteswithin them,Goals: Objective, Course Outcomes, Expectations (pre-requisites, readings,class listserv, attendance, behavior, academic honesty), and Grading policy.Schedules: Week-wise, topics, readings, assignment/labAssignments: Mini exercises (depends on the course), final examinations, anypaper presentation suggestions.Readings: Suggested Weekly readings for individual or groups. sources mustbe mentioned.Notes: Additional readings, links to sources, copies of class slides andother information pertinent to class.".........