Assange! Assange!
Assange! Assange!
How long can they keep you in jails
British, Swedish and American cells
Who can imprison the source of freedom
How long will survive walls of fiefdom
Assange! Assange!
Spy for the people, terror for the ruling class
Investigator for truth, justice you encompass
Let them win Nobel Prizes and Time covers
You win our hearts, love, unending supports
Assange! Assange!
Journalists used to be glorified spokespersons
Of White House Press Meets and Royal sermons
Fourth Estate, an accomplice for the three wings
These power corridors, their holy and noble myths
Assange! Assange!
You blew the lid off their secret chambers of horror
Their dirty games of wars, you the uncensored narrator
They can ban WikiLeaks, they cannot ban our conscience
Let them impose atrocious bills, they cannot stifle our minds
Assange! Assange!
– Saswat Pattanayak, Peoples’ Poet