I Will Wait

For the time of victory
Of the good over the evil

Good being the invisible
Downtrodden, oppressed
Outcasts, racial minorities
The Dalits, the tortured 
Women and children
The students with loans
The teachers without jobs
The atheists everywhere 

Good being the physically 
Emotionally, financially
Challenged, the slow learners
The unemployed poets, 
The crazy philosophers,
The ones who never were 
Featured on television nor
Paid respect anywhere 

Good being the one who never
Was called an intellectual
Or a scientist, a statesman
Nor a grand prize winner
Coveted with glory or fame
Featured on magazines
And never knew negotiating
Executing, decision-making

I will wait 

For the time of victory
Of the hitherto vanquished

I will wait 

- By Saswat Pattanayak

Saswat Pattanayak

Independent journalist, media educator, photographer and filmmaker. Based in New York. Always from Bhubaneswar.


Two Terrorists


To the One