Mahmoud Khalil: Beyond the Empire’s Duopolistic Appropriations
Mahmoud Khalil’s freedom is intertwined with Palestinian liberation. It is not merely a test case for First Amendment or immigration privileges.
Weaponization of Antisemitism vs. the Legacies of Black Scholarship
Universities in the US of America used to be institutions for not just free speech, but revolutionary political speech. From the student movement that ended Vietnam War to the radical uprising (“Intifada” to use the translated term that is frightening militarist warmongers who are “grilling” university presidents today while their funded military is grilling children in Gaza) of civil rights movement across the country, to Black Panthers and freeing political prisoners movements to anti-nuclear war peacenik movements - American students have always been at the front of the struggle calling for end to militarist occupation and interventions into any and every country that the US imperialism has tried to harm. And the situation with Palestine will be no different.
On Hindutva & Zionism
The ethnocentrism, ultranationalism, and xenophobia are exactly the same when it comes to Zionism and Hindutva brigades. Anti-Hindutva Hindus of India need to address the cancer of Hindutva before it spreads like Zionism has in Israel and renders the secular Hindus minorities.
Thank you, Bernie Sanders
Watching and covering Sanders rallies has been an incredible journey for me. His decency, ethics, admiration for the teeming millions of Americans across social locations — were all superlative.
When women journalists prevailed over New York Times
What is instructive in this context is that the Fashion/Style page was being subverted with women's rights issues by the women journalists of the day.
A Closer Look At “The Enemy of the People”
"With so much recent mainstream press evocation of Joseph Stalin and claims of “enemy of the people” comparisons to Donald Trump we thought it timely to share some recent thoughts on the subject from journalist, professor and writer Saswat Pattanayak. As an additional side note, and given what Pattanayak exposes about the nature and history of the association of a phrase, rather than with Stalin some of us would be more familiar with the play by Henrik Ibsen and further note that this is also where the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke got the inspiration for the spelling of his own middle name." (Dr. Jared Ball, iMixWhatILike)
Brahminism, Patriarchy, Supreme Court And The Justice
It is the patriarchal fixation with fathers and husbands as feudal heads of indian households where sanctities are attached to family units, that leads to normalization of corruption in a judicial system that is unsurprisingly spearheaded by the brahminical chiefs.
Misplaced Tears of a Militarist President, the Reactionary Pursuits of Gun Control, and Unquestioned Faith in Patriarchy Normative
The good liberals never cease to amaze. They want the wars abroad, but they don’t want the wars at home. They want other children to die, just not theirs. They want to be able to buy the guns themselves, just not allow the rest.
Wall Street Spring :: Americans Demand Democracy
Occupation movement this time around offers no immediate solution – nor does it harbor much hopes either. If the collective demand is to have Obama administration dissociate itself and the United States from Wall Street money, the collective intelligence says it is probably not possible.
Arab World Witnessing Anarchy, Not Revolutions
An uncritical acceptance of street tactics in Egypt will be a historical fallacy. The romantic notions of revolutionaries as hopeful future is one thing; a false ascription to a group of religious mischiefs as social justice fighters is yet another. The most recent instances of popular uprisings may well have been a continuation of protests on part of the people to end brutal regimes world over.
Assange: Myths, Hypes and Truths
There is also a need to imagine Assange as an overweight bearded black Muslim. Would the press have covered him as kindly as now? Would people have really believed in his released cables and expressed outrage at various nations?
Obama's Fixation with Gandhi & King: Moral Masks for Immoral Tasks
In the most grotesque of historical misrepresentations, Gandhi and King have today been reduced by their false worshippers at highest of world powers, to becoming exactly the opposite of what they stood for: as poster boys for global capitalism, of the military-industrial complex, the new permanent features of the status quo, dazed and dumbed down on the revised Mt. Rushmore.
Whose Fourth of July?
The emotions of Frederick Douglass expressed well more than a century and half ago is still so relevant that it makes a mockery of the American capitalism which is being advanced by the likes of Barack Obama.
Flagging off irrelevance
The rightist power claims that solves the problems which persisted throughout the five decades of the existence of the countries as political democracies.
Hindu seer pioneers innovative methods of mass disturbances
How can a reactionary who instigates people to kill-haul each other in name of communalism agree for court interferences?