my inaccurate indulgence in this irresistible poetic form
Covid Reflections
Five and a half million gone, several more loom
Afflicting beyond boundaries, or calendars of moon
Apocalyptic premonitions, dissent in very being
Suppressed rage, rising age, every breath competing
New World Disorders
Some may say the fateful twenty twenty shall too be gone
And with it, the curses of Covid and its causes unknown
As though magically, or through divine interventions
Maybe just a happy coincidence, calendar's fascination
Replacing Resolutions
god blessed land of opulent nationalists
harboring disaffection for "illegal aliens"

An Ode to the Unfinished
like the unfinished manuscripts
unsung songs
leaderless movements
incomplete news…
Divided We Fall
showering the wealth of rhetorics
constructing the highway of dreams
preaching love, preaching hate,
after a while, love-hate…
Of Incidental Revolutions
Irreparable losses of beloved poets and thinkers too
Baraka, Seeger, Stuart Hall, Marquez and Maya Angelou
Let Ourselves Prevail
Where the homeless are not recruited to clean nuclear mess
Working class emphatically organize, not rescued under duress
Global Spring?
Yet Sandy storms still, Sandy Hook gun cultures kill
Frisk and search racist, disempowered cannot resist
Islamophobic Youtube reel, West’s warmongering shill
Obama’s growing kill-list, the American draconic fist
Reclaiming Roots
Harlem’s burning, Paris in flames, London defeats alleged rioters
Class wars lost, Zapatista censored, Maoists shot in street corners
Struggles in Vain?
In the name of justice how many Mississippi Sisters
How many Mumias, Cuban Five, political prisoners
When will have Guantanamo served its purpose
Will the new year liberate conscience of its shackles
Enough Already
Environmental concerns lip-served by business interests
Mountains ravaged, peoples displaced, plundered forests
Insidious attempts at defining freedom, political liberties
Minorities oppressed amidst democratic Colacracies
Lest We Forget
Ides of March sanctions Iran Civilians
In April, 200 killed by US-Iraqi militants
Lebanese die in dozens during May clashes
Come June, Israeli prez free of rape charges